Virtual First Response Training JuneJun 07 2021 00:00 - JuneJun 10 2021 00:00 UTC

7 June, 9 June, 10 June @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

1st Response training – Virtual – 7, 9 & 10 June 7pm

Mon 7th, Wed 9th & Thur 10th June. 7pm -9pm all 3 sessions have to be attended.

Starts: Monday 7 June 2021 7:00 pm
Ends: Thursday 10 June 2021 9:15 pm

What? 1st Response training
When? Monday 7th, Wednesday 9th  & Thursday 10th June – you will also need to complete a practical skills session at a later date
Where? Online – we will be using a Zoom platform for these sessions
Who for? All volunteers who need 1st Response training
How much? Free of charge!

How do I book a place?  Please email

All Girlguiding volunteers are encouraged to complete 1st Response training – first aid is an invaluable skill to have both within your Girlguiding volunteer role and in your day to day life outside guiding. Don’t forget that as part of our commitment to keeping our girls safe, at least one person at every unit meeting must have a valid first aid qualification.

This course consists of:
– Three virtual sessions which will be no more than 2 hours long.
– A practical skills session to demonstrate your knowledge – this will be organised at a later date when we know what social distancing regulations allow, and as far as possible will be within or close to your district.
– A short e-learning module. You can complete this at any time, but we recommend you do it around the same time as completing the virtual sessions.

You must attend all three virtual sessions and the practical skills session to complete your 1st Response course, and must also have the e-learning module to be recognised as a first aider in Girlguiding.

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